We are one of the largest Polish law firms having international reach
We have been growing constantly for the last 20 years.
We owe it to our clients, whom we know and assist with their everyday matters.
As a team of 200 experts with more than 40 specialisations, we offer comprehensive legal solutions based on a unique combination of expertise, skills, and knowledge of various markets.

We are a member of international networks associating experts from all over the world:
American Bar Association
Associated European Energy Consultants (AEEC)
Association of European Lawyers
Associazione Internazionale Gilristi di Lingua Italiana
Corporate Connections
European Competition Lawyers Association
Global Insurance Law Connect Ltd
International Association of Young Lawyers (AIJA)
International Bar Association (IBA)
International Competition Network (ICN)
Izba Gospodarki Elektronicznej
Polskie Stowarzyszenie Prawników Przesiębiorstw
Stowarzyszenie Przedsiębiorców Włoskich w Polsce (Confidustria)
Union Internationale des Avocats (UIA)