Agnieszka Chwiałkowska

Agnieszka Chwiałkowska
co-head of the public procurement practice
has long-time experience in advising clients on public procurement law,
focuses on providing energy, transport and municipal clients, among others, with advice for both contracting entities and tenderers,
a certified EU funds expert also supporting clients in their applications for and settlement of EU funding,
advises on matters related to disclosure of public information.
Selected experiences
She has advised, among others:
- Miejskie Przedsiębiorstwo Komunikacyjne w Poznaniu
- Związek Międzygminny „Gospodarka Odpadami Aglomeracji Poznańskiej”
- numerous energy companies
- Bank Gospodarstwa Krajowego
Agnieszka is a great professional, she has both deep knowledge and a good business approach.
Chambers Europe 2023 | Public Procurement
She is a very dynamic lawyer.
Chambers Europe 2021 | Public Procurement
Agnieszka "shows broad knowledge, engagement and support."
Chambers Europe 2019 | Public Procurement