She represents individual and corporate clients in criminal proceedings, including, in particular, cases involving criminal business law and medical malpractice liability of doctors.
She has participated in criminal-economic trials involving multi-million-dollar frauds.
She helps executives to organize their business safely.
She has combined her knowledge of criminal law, commercial law and finance and accounting in her practice.
She specializes in White-Collar Crimes and business risk management issues.
As of 2021, she is included in the National List of Auditors, Controllers and Related Specializations of the Polish Institute of Internal Control (Krajowa Lista Audytorów, Kontrolerów i Specjalizacji Powiązanych Polskiego Instytutu Kontroli Wewnętrznej). A certified forensic auditor. An experienced teacher and trainer. A lecturer at SWPS University and Poznań University of Economics.
The author of numerous publications on economic criminal law and investigative auditing (including in the quarterly “KontrolerInfo”). In prestigious Polish newspaper “Rzeczpospolita” she writes a series “Criminal law in business”