Responsible for the industrial property law practice;

Works with the Life Science team advising entities operating in the life science sector on IP protection; also collaborates closely with the firm’s international desks providing advice on trademark and industrial design protection;

An expert in industrial property law with a particular focus on trademark and design law, acts of unfair competition, consumer law, protection of personal data and personal rights, and internet domains;

Has years of experience in the management and ongoing care of clients’ trademark and design portfolios as well as in conducting trademark, design, and unfair competition lawsuits. She has in-depth experience in atypical trademarks (colour and three-dimensional marks) and product form protection (look-alike products);

Represents clients in litigation proceedings before common and administrative courts, and in dispute and registration proceedings before the Patent Office of the Republic of Poland, Polish administrative courts, the European Union Intellectual Property Office, the General Court of the European Union, and Tribunals of the European Union;

A speaker on trademark law at various conferences including the annual conference of the International Trademark Association (INTA);

Has authored and co-authored articles in the field of trademark law, e.g., “Execution of the obligation to use a registered trademark by using a similar registered trademark” (Wykonanie obowiązku używania zarejestrowanego znaku towarowego przez używanie podobnego zarejestrowanego znaku towarowego) which was featured in Invention and Protection of Intellectual Property, Zeszyt 38, Cedzyna;

Studied international relations at The American University in Washington DC, USA.