a member of Intellectual Property & TMT, Life Sciences, and Italian Desk teams,

supports Public Procurement and Infrastructure Projects teams in proceedings and litigation with cross-border element,

specialises in international commercial transactions, Polish-Italian business relations, intellectual property and food law,

provides legal advice to Italian entrepreneurs involved in cross-border trade with Poland,

has a wide experience in representing clients in court disputes, including in matters regarding unfair commercial practices and acts infringing the principles of fair competition, and in advising businesses in conducting advertising campaigns and introducing products onto the market,

advises businesses trading in food industry, in particular in aspects relating to labeling and advertising of the foodstuffs,

also advises entities in the pharmaceutical industry, including pharmacies and distributors of drugs and medical devices,

represents clients in proceedings before market surveillance authorities in matters regarding food quality and safety,

a member of Associazione Internazionale Giuristi di Lingua Italiana (AIGLI) – the international association of Italian-speaking lawyers, seated in Milan and a member of Legalmondo – the international organisation of lawyers from all over the world,

studied law also at LUISS Guido Carli University in Rome; participated also in international exchanges and internships.