Member of the energy law team.

Specializes in energy law and regulations regarding renewable energy sources.

Advises energy companies in the electricity and gas industries. He participated in investment processes of wind farms, photovoltaic power plants and biogas instalations. He works on numerous due diligence studies of renewable energy installations in connection with mergers and acquisitions, as well as negotiated PPA agreements.

Member of the Energy Law Section of the Warsaw Bar Association.

Graduated form Postgraduate Studies in European Union Law at the Faculty of Law and Administration of the University of Warsaw. He also studied law at the Universitat de València and graduated from the School of Spanish Law. 

Conducts training on the investment process for the renewable energy industry, Energy Law and the RES Act, and also participated in many energy industry conferences. 

Author of numerous articles in the industry press, co-author of a report on biogas in Poland and investment guides for the renewable energy industry.