Chambers Global 2020 rekomenduje WKB w nowej kategorii International & Cross-Border Capabilities
W tegorocznej edycji rankingu Chambers Global kancelaria WKB została wyróżniona w nowo wprowadzonej kategorii International & Cross-Border Capabilities. W gronie tym wyróżniono jedynie cztery kancelarie nie-sieciowe.
Zdaniem twórców rankingu, WKB to:
A strong independent firm headquartered in Warsaw, WKB combines in-house expertise with connections to foreign law firms to service the cross-border needs of clients. The firm is particularly well equipped to advise on matters involving European jurisdictions; its own French, German and Italian desks are supplemented by its membership of the Association of European Lawyers.
The firm is particularly active in cross-border banking and M&A transactions, and is routinely sought out to advise as co-counsel on deals involving multiple jurisdictions, often in conjunction with international firms. WKB’s diverse client base comprises domestic entities and multinationals, who can also call on the team’s disputes capabilities, as well as its transactional expertise.(Chambers Global 2020)
Rekomendacji w tej kategorii towarzyszy również szereg pozytywnych opinii klientów:
One client highlights the firm’s „effective handling of an international matter,” adding: „They have a good understanding of different legal systems. They have clear communications and a structured process.”
Another interviewee recalls: „Overall they were fantastic. They were responsive and extremely knowledgeable. I would approach them with 'here’s how we do it in the US’ and they took that and showed me the equivalent in Poland or under EU law and how we get to where we would be comfortable.”
Oprócz kompetencji międzynarodowych, ranking potwierdza również pozycję WKB w wyróżnianych dotychczas kategoriach: Banking & Finance, Corporate/M&A, Dispute Resolution, Italy: Corporate/M&A: Foreign desks.
Chambers Global to jeden z najbardziej rozpoznawalnych na świecie przewodników po rynku usług prawniczych, obejmujących polską jurysdykcję. Publikowany jest co roku przez wydawnictwo Chambers & Partners. Wyniki rankingu dostępne są na stronie wydawcy.