WKB w Chambers Europe 2020
Z przyjemnością informujemy, że dzięki opiniom naszych Klientów, Kancelaria WKB po raz kolejny została wyróżniona w prestiżowym rankingu wydawnictwa Chambers and Partners „Chambers Europe 2020”. Rekomendacje otrzymało 11 zespołów kancelarii, a nasi prawnicy zdobyli 17 wyróżnień indywidualnych.
Andrzej Wierciński znalazł się w gronie Senior Statespeople w kategorii Corporate/M&A – najbardziej doświadczonych i zasłużonych dla rozwoju rynku i specjalizacji prawników. Naszych czterech partnerów – Jerzy Baehr, Jakub Pokrzywniak, Jan Roliński oraz Aleksander Stawicki – zostało zaliczonych do najlepszych specjalistów na rynku w swoich specjalizacjach (Band 1). W gronie wyróżnionych indywidualnie jest również Agnieszka Wiercińska-Krużewska – po raz pierwszy w kategorii TMT (Band 4). Gratulujemy również pozostałym wyróżnionym: Bartoszowi Turno (Band 2), Sergiuszowi Urbanowi (Band 2), Bartłomiejowi Jankowskiemu (Band 3), Agnieszce Chwiałkowskiej (Band 4), Jakubowi Jędrzejakowi (Band 4), Tomaszowi Kwiecińskiemu (Band 4), Maciejowi Szambelańczykowi (Band 4), Marcinowi Smolarkowi (Band 5) i Michałowi Kalickiemu (Associate to Watch).
Bardzo nas również cieszy, że dwa zespoły – Competition/Antitrust oraz Public Procurement – zostały zaliczone do najlepszych w Polsce (Band 1). Ponadto, w tegorocznej edycji rankingu awansowała praktyka Projects & Infrastructure (Band 3), a w zestawieniu pojawiła się praktyka Employment (Recognised Practitioner).
Obecność w rankingu Chambers Europe jest dla nas zawsze wielkim wyróżnieniem – oprócz gratulacji dla poszczególnych zespołów, chcielibyśmy przede wszystkim podziękować naszym Klientom – za rekomendacje i zaufanie, którym obdarzają nas na co dzień.
Wydawnictwo Chambers & Partners przyznało WKB rekomendacje w następujących kategoriach:
- Competition/Antitrust: Band 1
„They are open to clients’ needs and expectations. They have outstanding practical knowledge and broad experience.” One of the clients pointing out: „They perfectly know and understand the specifics of the operations of the Polish competition authorities as well as the European Commission. They know how and who to talk to and react quickly when the situation requires it.”
Indywidualne rekomendacje dla Aleksandra Stawickiego (Band 1) i Bartosza Turno (Band 2).
Aleksander Stawicki is ” a brilliant lawyer, with a great understanding of antitrust law. He is very responsive and knows our industry and business,” a client says, while another praises his open-minded approach, adding: „He is very experienced and very nice to work with.” One client points out that Bartosz Turno ” is experienced and focused on clients’ requirements.”
- Public Procurement: Band 1
The team is valued by clients for its attentiveness, one casting it as „always on time and always perfectly prepared.” Another source deems it „creative, open to ideas, reliable and punctual.”
Indywidualna rekomendacja dla Jana Rolińskiego (Band 1) i Agnieszki Chwiałkowskiej (Band 4).
Jan Roliński garners praise for his „very pragmatic” approach. Agnieszka Chwiałkowska`s drive as a lawyer is reputed among peers, one extolling her as „hard-working.”
- Energy & Natural Resources: Band 2
Strong department, well known for handling regulatory issues, and assisting with both compliance and transactional matters, including investments and acquisitions. „They offer a more practical approach and they are very experienced.”
Indywidualne rekomendacja dla Jerzego Baehra (Band 1) i Macieja Szambelańczyka (Band 4).
Jerzy Baehr „is a senior lawyer with a lot of regulatory experience,” a source confirms. Another client says that Maciej Szambelańczyk „ knows the needs of the clients, and his knowledge of the market and its technical aspects is very strong,” while another adds: „He is very efficient and practical, he is easy to work with.”
- Environment: Band 2
Notable track record in assisting with the development of renewable energy projects, particularly wind farms. Provides expert advice on matters ranging from waste management and gas emissions to soil quality and environmental liability.
Indywidualna rekomendacja dla Sergiusza Urbana (Band 2).
Sergiusz Urban is noted for his knowledge of environmental law, including the related EU policies. Sources also highlight his academic background.
- Dispute Resolution: Band 3
Clients recognise the team’s dedication: „Their commitment has been there without any questions. Their fast responses outside of standard office hours have been much appreciated,” an interviewee says, adding: „The team has worked very hard to deliver quick results.” Another client notes: „The team is capable of working remotely in a clear and fast manner, which allowed me, on the one hand, to be fully informed and, on the other, to avoid unnecessary meetings.”
Indywidualne rekomendacje dla Bartłomieja Jankowskiego (Band 3) i Tomasza Kwiecińskiego (Band 4).
Bartłomiej Jankowski`s considered style receives commendations from clients, one praising him for his „level-headed and commercial approach to the various legal options opening up along the way.” One market commentator mentions Tomasz Kwieciński`s „friendly, open attitude,” going on to call him „a gentleman worth recommending in cases which might cause tensions. He can manage relations between clients and lawyers.”
- Restructuring/Insolvency: Band 3
Clients praise the team for its meticulous manner, one saying: „They always come prepared,” adding: „They are always ready to tell you what the risks are.” Another highlights the team’s „excellent communication skills.”
Indywidualna rekomendacja dla Andrzeja Wiercińskiego (Band 3)
Andrzej Wierciński is reputed among market commentators for his abundant experience in restructuring issues, one describing him as „one of the first experts on bankruptcy law.”
- Projects & Infrastructure: Band 3
The timeliness of the team’s counsel is rated by clients, one labelling it „fast working,” while another appreciates the team’s „respect for deadlines.”
- Banking & Finance: Band 4
The firm’s insurance standing attracts particular praise, with a client saying: „We can safely present their opinion in front of a regulator as an important argument,” and adding: „We are very happy with what they’re doing because they’re very open to our ideas and to finding solutions.” Clients also flag up the team’s innovative approach, dubbing it „open-minded and creative.”
Indywidualna rekomendacja Marcina Smolarka (Band 5) i Michała Kalickiego (Associate to Watch).
Marcin Smolarek „is helpful in finding solutions to the clients’ problems,” further specifying that „he was very diplomatic and really sound in settling and easing concerns.”
Michał Kalicki is descibed by source as „very good in handling the client and managing expectations.”
- Corporate/M&A: Band 4
The commercial awareness exhibited by the department is cited by an interviewee who says: „They understand the business and are capable of bringing solutions to complex issues quickly, effectively, whilst understanding clients’ needs.” Interviewees note the team’s ability to quickly adapt to the working style and requirements of its clients.
Indywidualne rekomendacje dla Andrzeja Wiercińskiego (Senior Statesperson) i Jakuba Jędrzejaka (Band 4).
Andrzej Wierciński is widely respected for his long-standing expertise in corporate law and M&A transactions. He is also noted for his academic work. Jakub Jędrzejak is well practised in high-stakes, cross-border M&A transactions, for clients as wide-ranging as e-payment providers and manufacturers. „He’s always responsive and combines the knowledge with a business-oriented approach,” a client says, while another source describes him as „technical and devoted.”
- Private equity: Band 4
A client cites the team’s „deep knowledge of how private equity transactions are performed and concluded.” Others appreciate the team for its adaptability, one calling it „very flexible, very open and able to adjust to a changing environment during the transaction.”
Indywidualna rekomendacja dla Jakuba Jędrzejaka (Up and coming)
His tact as a lawyer is emphasised by clients, one acknowledging him for being „able to manage the entire transaction in a very efficient way, with clear communication and proactive advice.”
- Employment: Recognised Practitioner
Ponadto, indywidualne rekomendacje otrzymali także:
- Jakub Pokrzywniak (Band 1) w kategorii Banking&Finance: Insurance.
Jakub Pokrzywniak is one of the best insurance practitioners in Poland. Sources note his strong academic background and client-focused approach.
- Agnieszka Wiercińska-Krużewska (Band 4) w kategorii TMT.
Agnieszka Wiercińska-Krużewska is a TMT practitioner, assisting with mandates spanning e-commerce and cryptocurrencies to media regulatory compliance. She advises governmental bodies as well as international companies.
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